Bills Talks
"When Spirit talks, Bill Listens."
Join Bill every Thursday on his Bill Hobart Clairvoyant Medium Psychic Facebook page for Facebook LIVE Coaching for the Soul Session at 3:00 pm ET. He shares universal messages on LOVE, MONEY, the FUTURE and more in his "Bills Talks", spirit and client inspired videos and podcasts. If you are looking for answers in your life, tune in below, you just might be inspired by one of Bill's empowering messages.
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Confirmations from spirit: "When I was younger one of my uncles, who was a Spiritualist and is now in spirit, would give me dimes every time I answered one of his American History questions correctly.
His wife died on Tuesday. This morning, after wondering down the same "clear" hallway at least a dozen times, there in front of me was a dime. That is an example of a powerful confirming message that spirit and our loved ones are always present." Bill - January, 26, 2017
Bill Hobart was the young boy who always made sure your paper was on our porch in the morning, the guy who began running three departments in Montgomery Wards at the age of 17. By 25 he was managing shoe stores and became known as the leader who “just knew” the person he hired was going to be exceptional, even when no one else believed it. He also could tell you a little about the relationship you were in, the unexpected money you were going to receive or when your next move might be.
On Love
Through what most would call a channeled message from his Spirit Guide, Paul, Bill is able to intuitively provide answers to those seeking guidance in regards to their personal LOVE relationships. Love comes in many forms. If you are looking for guidance or a connection to your lover, your mother, your neighbor, your friend, find out more during a group or private session or watch one of the direct guidance videos below.
On Money
Having a lot of money and being rich isn't just about the number of dollars in the bank. For some there is a direct spiritual reason or connection that they are not flourishing financially. Via his connection to his own Spirit Guide, Paul, Bill has been able to "listen" for what not only he needs to do for financial growth, but what his clients need to do as well. Click one of the videos below or book a private or group session today.
On the future
The future is not "set in stone" as we have an ego and we have free will. During a session with Bill and his Spirit Guide, Paul, Bill connects in with Spirit and begins receiving guidance on your specific question. He then delivers the message in the form of a possible outcome. He has coached 100's of people with these messages with the utmost clarity and accuracy. Watch one of his coaching videos below or book a private session today.